Ce a păţit un marinar român. Cum vă sunt respectate drepturile pe mare

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Ce a păţit un marinar român. Cum vă sunt respectate drepturile pe mare

Social 31 Mai 2017 / 16:21 2582 accesări
Liderul SLN, reprezentantul ITF în România, Adrian Mihălcioiu: „Drepturile navigatorilor trebuie ştiute încă dinainte de semnarea contractului de angajare”

Liderul SLN, reprezentantul ITF în România, Adrian Mihălcioiu: „Drepturile navigatorilor trebuie ştiute încă dinainte de semnarea contractului de angajare”

Nu toţi navigatorii îşi cunosc drepturile, însă, în cazul în care unui marinar i se întâmplă ceva, se presupune că agenţia de crewing se ocupă de problema acestuia. În cazul pe care urmează să vi-l prezentăm a rămas doar „se presupune”. Un navigator a suferit un accident la bordul navei şi a cerut ajutorul Sindicatului Liber al Navigatorilor (SLN) pentru a intra în posesia unor prevederi contractuale. Potrivit acestuia, situaţia este destul de des întâlnită, deoarece „drepturile navigatorilor trebuie ştiute încă dinainte de semnarea contractului de angajare. Acest lucru nu se poate întâmpla la agenţiile de crewing care au o colaborare cu sindicatele şi ITF”. „S-a sunat la agenţia de crewing, după câteva schimburi de cuvinte ni s-a trântit telefonul. A doua zi am primit un mesaj, interesant credem noi, de la aceeaşi agenţie de crewing”, a declarat Adrian Mihălcioiu, liderul SLN şi reprezentantul ITF în România. Redăm, în continuare, schimbul de mesaje între reprezentantul ITF şi agentul de crewing respectiv şi vă lăsăm pe dvs. să trageţi concluziile.

„From: Anda [o@i.ro]
Sent: 29 May 2017 15:09
To: Adrian Mihalcioiu
Subject: ETO Po......

Domnule Mihalcioiu,

Referitor la ETO Po....... :

1. va rog sa notati ca neatentia nu poate fi catalogata accident de munca !!! Accident de munca a suferit ETO Ch..., angajat la aceeasi companie N... SHIPPING GRECIA. Domnul Ch... A... a primit compensatiile cuvenite de la armator. In schimb, domnul Po... are nevoie de asistenta dar nu pentru deget.. problema lui si a mamei lui se afla in alta parte a corpului.

2. I.......... SA Bucuresti, prin d-na M... s-a ocupat de acest caz. Cazurile medicale, invaliditate sau deces nu sunt solutionate de agentia noastra. Sunt solutionate intotdeauna de I....... SA, firma ce reprezinta P&I -ul.

3. Aceasta companie nu are contract ITF! De aceea nu inteleg de ce am fost sunata de dvs. Intotdeauna cand au existat probleme legate de marinari , agentia noastra a facut toate demersurile necesare pentru a le solutiona.

Domnul Mihalcioiu, contractul nu este ITF iar Dl.P.... nu e membru de sindicat . Am fost sunata si in trecut de dvs pentru unele probleme legate de marinari desi, curios, acestia nu erau membri de sindicat iar dvs m-ati sunat in calitate de reprezentant al Sindicatului! Si ma opresc din comentarii!

Agentia functioneaza de 15 ani si nu am avut incidente care sa nu fie solutionate amiabil. Cazul domnului P..... e special pentru ca l-a amenintat pe armator, i-a vorbit urat doamnei M.... Eu sunt obisnuita cu vocabularul d-nei P si a fiului ei.

Daca doriti totusi amanunte despre acest caz, o puteti contacta pe d-na M.......la telefon 021......

Dansa va poate pune la dispozitie tot istoricul acestui caz.

O zi buna
Anda C......”

„On 30/05/2017 15:57, Adrian Mihalcioiu wrote:

Dear Ms. C........,
I am very surprised to find such message from you. As you know, all shipowners under Greek flag are covered by Greek legislation and National Collective Agreement . According with MLC 2006 and Romanian legislation, when a collective bargaining agreement forms all or part of the seafarers' employment agreement, a copy or portion of collective bargaining agreement in English must be available for seafarer in order to know and sufficient understanding of their rights and responsibilities . I am very surprised to see your comments and determination to handle in your manner with seafarers recruited and placed through your crewing agency, in particular with the incident of mr. Po... and that you already establish that he not suffered an accident on board, but because happened from his negligence, is not treated as an accident. I want to keep you informed that Mr. Po.... is under a national collective bargaining agreement, he suffered an accident on board, he suffer a surgery in Romania on his finger broken, paid all costs and a lot for recovery. That means not received an adequate medical coverage, sick pay and assistance. He told me that he refused company doctor from Constanta and choose one from Bucharest, he don't know his rights, he need professional recovery and paid himself for that, he asked for the collective agreement but nobody gave him any help from 11 March 2017 up to now. When I contacted you, as I seen in your message, you were very contrary and upset because he came to Romanian Seafarers Union/ITF. For your information, I have the right to defend and to advice any seafarer no matter if you are thinking that they are member or not to any union.
Therefore, if you signed the seafarer' employment agreement on behalf of ship owner, you will be ever contacted and enclosed as part of responsibility you have to recruit and place seafarers on a standard employment conditions on board the ships. This is also part of your responsibilities under MLC 2006 Convention and Romanian legislation. Be sure that our members are never treated like you/ship owner treated this case, they have rights all the time well known and upgraded.
Hope this information will help you and will sent proper message to ship owner in order to solve this situation as soon as possible.
Adrian Mihalcioiu
ITF Inspector”

„On 31 May 2017 08:22 Anda C... wrote

Dear Mr Mihalcioiu

I regret that you offered to all wrong informations ! By your message,leave the impression that our agency and shipowners are breaking MLC.

As you can see , in my message , I informed you that this case was mannaged by SC I......... SA Bucharest , represented by Mrs M.....

For a correct information, I think that you could have contacted Mrs.M..... or owners before to send this message to all. When a person wants to judge a situation , he must have information from all parts not only from one.... in this case ,Mr Po......!

All parts ( crewing agency, owners , I...... ) tried to mannage this matter in a correct way but the behavior of Mr Po..... and Mrs Po..... ( his mother ) was suburban !!!! On 10th January 2017 signed off ETO CH..... Al..... , who was embarked to same company. During his voyage , he suffered an accident on board. The situation was mannaged by the same persons : owners, I...... and our agency. Why in that case was not a problem???? Mr Ch.... had the same contract and terms !
He can be contacted to confirm to you that he received money for all (surgery, treatment, medical, etc). Why Mr Ch..A... didn't come to you to claim our agency, owners or I.....??? If our agency and owners have violated his rights why he wants to come back to same owner? Mrs M....can confirm to you that in 15 years , our agency had few medical incidents and death. Always , I....... Bucharest solved the cases and the seamen received compensatios. The case with Mr Po..... is the first case with problems.
As per my info, in Canada, the owners sent the seaman to doctor but the seaman didn't follow the medical instruction. For a clear situation, I am sure that Mrs M.... and owners will be kind to offer all details to everyone who wants to know the exactly situation regarding this ETO.
Brgds, Anda C........”

On 31/05/2017 09:37, Adrian Mihalcioiu wrote:
„Dear Ms. C.........,
Thank you for the message well noted.
Please bear in mind that I not want to find information in this case, but I want to see that ship-owners will solve this case, nothing more, according with the CBA covered the vessel. Is this a problem for you? How can seafarer know that his problem will be solved according with the applicable agreement if he don't know his rights or law? You said is better to trust you ? I am sorry but you have a wrong view in this subject. I reiterate the request to let Mr. Po.... know the provisions of CBA or annexes as state in his employment agreement and this is also your responsibility.
Best Regards, A. Mihalcioiu”